Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Building Stable Animals

Amelia had the most fun this year creating her animal in science this week. We are currently on our building and testing units in science (I blend both together because they hit on similar ideas) and we are investigating the concept of stability.

For these projects, I had the students break into companies that they will work in for the unit. They have named their companies and have also created banks and cards for their business. Their businesses are given certain tasks to do each week based on my demonstrations that I do at the beginning of the week. They must use prior knowledge and lessons that they learned from our labs to create different structures.

This week we investigated different stable shapes and how humans are stable. Based on the information taught, students had to create an animal that was stable out of recyclable materials. Students could buy or rent materials from the class (money came out of profits from other projects) or could bring in materials needed from home.

They had to create a plan and a materials list. If (when I test tomorrow) their structure is deemed stable and safe, their group could earn up to $40 dollars for this project. I assess in my assessment book, giving a limited, acceptable or proficient as well.

Amelia's company "Compression Crew" created a puppy for us. Enjoy the pictures!

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